Request Appointment


Did you know that you can now request an appointment with Dr. Go online? Only for a NON-EMERGENCY, NON-URGENT appointment, such as a followup or complete physical. You will get a call back on the next clinic day. Please note that the clinic is closed on Sundays and on most holidays.

    Patient Name

    Your Contact Number

    New Patient? YesNo

    18 years of age or Older? YesNo

    Date Requested (we will try our best to accommodate)

    Morning or Afternoon Requested?

    Is this a (choose one) Sick, Follow-up, Refill, or Annual physical visit?

    What is your current insurance for this visit?

    DISCLAIMER: This website is intended for Dr. Go's patients only. It is purely informational and should not be taken as medical advice. If you have questions regarding any material on this website, pls. consult with Dr. Go.